LOCATIQS is a specialist in product software solutions and complementary consultancy in the GIS and FSM markets.

Company details

Date d'investissement
Fund strategy
  • The Group

A successful buy-and-build strategy

LOCATIQS was founded through the combination of Dutch software companies GOconnectIT and Geodan in 2021. It has since established itself as the Netherland’s leading specialist in product software solutions and complementary consultancy in the geographic information systems (“GIS”) and field service management (“FSM”) markets.

LOCATIQS benefits from the highly skilled expertise of a team with over 250 professionals, working on innovative (software) solutions for collecting, analysing, combining and visualising (location intelligence) data for a safer, smarter and more sustainable world above and below ground. These solutions, for example, help to prevent excavation damage, with the efficient and safe rollout of fibre optic networks or the coordination of relocations during adjustments to motorways, but also with the optimum route in complex urban logistics or in determining the most effective sustainability option within a municipality. In addition, they also help with all the challenges that local authorities have in implementing the environmental legislation.

Following a successful buy-and-build strategy, supported and financed by Main, including the acquisitions of Geodan van den Berg (2018), Swiss Knife (2019), and Geodan (2020), LOCATIQS has become a market leading platform, with a mobile offering in each domestic market. It has also expanded its customer base across the Benelux, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.

The experts on this software group

Teamwork is at our core - we collaborate and share insights cross-border, just as we do with our portfolio companies.

Ivo van Deudekom
Director Business Development
Jorn de Ruijter
Head of Fund Structuring & Investor Relations and Investment Director

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