
biomedion offers an extensive suite of software that is deployed across all GxP areas in the life and health sciences industry.

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A leading GxP data cloud platform provider

biomedion offers an extensive suite of software that is deployed across all “good practice” areas (“GxP”) in the life and health sciences industry, where quality guidelines and regulations are of paramount importance. biomedion enables clients in the life and health sciences industry to address its growing number of regulations, allowing customers to be continuously audit-ready in real time in compliance with “GxP” requirements (referring to quality, regulatory and clinical systems). biomedion’s flagship application is the holistic data management platform neuronOS, which allows life and health science companies to collect raw data in a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-compliant manner, from hundreds or thousands of instruments within the companies’ laboratories and to store it in a secure, responsive and F.A.I.R. manner (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable).

The experts on this software group

Teamwork is at our core - we collaborate and share insights cross-border, just as we do with our portfolio companies.

Yves Souren
Director Business Development
Tobias Wetzel
Investment Manager

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