Main Insight Event Nordics 2024

  • Main Insight Event
  • Stockholm
The Main Insight Event Nordics is hosted annually as a knowledge-sharing and networking platform for our close community of C-level software executives across the Nordics region. The 4th edition of the event was held in The Grand Hôtel, Stockholm on March 7th 2024.

The annual Main Insight Event Nordics was hosted on March 7th 2024 at the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm. The anticipated event was organized for our close community of C-level professionals across the Nordics region, aiming to inspire, forge meaningful connections and drive knowledge-sharing. This year’s topic was centered around B2B Software sales strategy and insights.

Like every year, a trending topic was explored through several panel discussions and key notes, bringing together experts in the field who will share their insights and perspectives to help stimulate meaningful conversations and provide key takeaways. Furthermore, attendees had the opportunity to network with other like-minded professionals.

The event was moderated by Linda Nyberg and co-hosted by Bram Kaashoek (Partner & Chief Operating Officer at Main Capital Partners) and Wessel Ploegmakers (Partner & Head of Nordics), and focused on the theme Proven paths to scale: B2B Software sales strategy and insights.

The line-up of this year’s edition was:

  • Arjan Vork, Chief Customer Officer, at Bizzdesign.
  • Carl Carell, Co-founder and CRO, at GetAccept
  • Michael Haladyn, Chief Commercial Officer at TimePlan Software
  • Maria Wiss, Country Director at Google Cloud Sweden

Get a glimpse of what the event is like

What the Main Insight Event Nordics 2024 looked like in pictures

If you want to get really inspired and have the opportunity to learn and get insights from great speakers and experienced colleagues – Main Insight Nordics is the right place!

- Ulf Bokelund Svensson, CEO at Björn Lundén