Working at Main - Bianca Takács

  • 26-10-2022
  • Article
In spring 2022, our Practice Lead Finance & Operations Performance Excellence Bianca Takács, spent three months working at our office in Düsseldorf, Germany. Let's catch up with Bianca about her experiences and time abroad!

Main has given me the opportunity to broaden my international experience. This also means getting out of my comfort zone. Meeting new people, cultures and companies.

- Bianca Takács, Practice Lead Finance & Operations Performance Excellence at Main Capital Partners

Bianca Takács started at Main in January 2021 and fulfils the role of Practice Lead Finance & Operations within our Performance Excellence team. Bianca is based at our office in The Hague, but she is involved in Main’s entire international portfolio. The Performance Excellence team at Main is engaged in value creation initiatives of our portfolio companies.

We are very curious about you time and impression in Düsseldorf, can you tell us more about it?

‘’Our portfolio companies are based all over Europe. As I’m involved with all of them, it is important to visit their offices now and then. Together with the German investment team, we set up several  sessions related to strategy, financial management, operational management, leverage the Performance Excellence initiatives.

As the Performance Excellence team of Main is located in The Hague, working in the Düsseldorf office has given me the opportunity strengthened work relations with the German team. Usually we only speak to each other in a videocall or over email. To meet each other in person and have the time to spend time together really improves the connection, personally and within divisions in the company as I got a closer look at the daily operations in the local investment team.

Besides these experiences, the ultimate goal of this trip was to visit our German portfolio companies and meet the management in person. This has a positive impact on the processes we go through with the companies.’’

Did you gain any personal growth from your travels?

‘’Main has given me the opportunity to broaden my international experience. This also means getting out of my comfort zone. Meeting new people, cultures and companies. One of the skills that I improved during my time in Düsseldorf is communicating in German, in both language and customs. Düsseldorf is a diverse city, with relaxed people and a good atmosphere. It’s nice to discover a different culture, although it has many similarities with The Netherlands.

Main offers opportunities, both internationally and personally. We are growing very fast and becoming active in multiple regions, I can’t wait for the next step and possible travels I may take on behalf of the Performance Excellence team.’’

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