BCS HR Software

BCS provides solutions in Core HR and Payroll software with associated services.

Company details

Date of investment
Human Capital Management Software
Fund strategy
  • Add-ons

More than 40 years of experience in the HR & payroll software industry

BCS offers SMEs and larger companies a total solution for HR and payroll services. BCS has over forty years of experience in providing software in the field of payroll, time registration, workflow management and personnel planning. Since 1978, BCS has grown into one of the largest payroll processors in the Netherlands. BCS employs more than 230 people.

The experts on this software group

Teamwork is at our core - we collaborate and share insights cross-border, just as we do with our portfolio companies.

Ivo van Deudekom
Investment Director
Job de Fijter
Senior Associate

Other companies in this product market

Our portfolio companies disrupt markets and foster innovation across the broad software ecosystem