Enterprise Information Management Software

Software to unlock the potential of company-wide content, information, knowledge & data for internal and external processes.

What is Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Software?

Enterprise software companies that unlock the true potential of enterprise data assets through robust EIM software solutions. Effectively manage content and structured and unstructured data, enable seamless information flow, and enhance collaboration across the organization. By ensuring data governance, regulatory compliance, and actionable insights, organizations can make informed decisions, drive innovation, creativity and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-intensive business environment.

Our software groups in this product-market

Main invests in several software groups within the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) market.

Our experts in this product market

Get in touch with our team for any inquiries. Our team is readily available to provide tailored advice and support.

Ivo van Deudekom
Investment Director
Eike Eul
Senior Investment Manager
Calle Bergkvist
Investment Manager